Walk Southbound

Crosstown Trail Walk Cue Sheet, Southbound

Section 5 - Walk South

Lands End to Geary and Park Presidio 4.5 miles / 550' elevation gain

Section 4 - Walk South

Geary and Park Presidio Blvd. Across Golden Gate Park to Judah and 16th Avenue 2.3 miles / 230' elevation gain

Section 3 - Walk South

Judah and 16th to Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station 2.1 miles - 650' elevation gain

Section 2 - Walk South

Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station to Glen Park BART Station 3.1 miles / 470' elevation gain

Section 1 - Walk South

Glen Park BART to Sunrise Point/Candlestick Point State Recreation Area 6.1 miles / 650' elevation gain)