Walk Southbound
Crosstown Trail Walk Cue Sheet, Southbound
Section 5 - Walk South
Lands End to Geary and Park Presidio 4.5 miles / 550' elevation gain
- Section 5 South starts at ocean side of Lands End Lookout visitors center (Restrooms, water, cafe, info).
- Walk along concrete promenade,
- The promenade will become a wide dirt path. About 50 yards further, turn left at sign for Coastal Trail.
- Follow Coastal Trail l.4 miles to Eagle Point.
- Turn left on near sidewalk of El Camino del Mar.
- By staying on left sidewalk, at one point you will seamlessly be walking along Seacliff Avenue. (Note: While walking along Seacliff, you will come to a brown sign on the left with an arrow pointing to “Public Beach.” This road leads down to China Beach where Restrooms are available.)
- Continue to follow Seacliff and turn left on 25th Ave. North, a street labled “Dead End.”
- Walk down 25th Ave. North about 50 yards.
- Turn right at location of three palm trees and walk through black entry gate to Baker Beach.
- At bottom of stairs, do not descend to Lobos Creek and Baker Beach but take an immediate right with your back to the beach and follow the very narrow sandy trail that is directly adjacent to the high fence around the red brick building. (Note that there are Restrooms in the Baker Beach parking lot.)
- The narrow trail will soon become a wide trail. Ascend straight until it arrives at the intersection of Lincoln Blvd. and Bowley.
- Cross Lincoln Blvd at the crosswalk and walk about 10 yards up Bowley sidewalk on left of Lobos Valley Informational Kiosk.
- Turn right onto the boardwalk of Lobos Valley Creek Trail.
- Follow the boardwalk to end, and walk up a few stairs.
- At top of stairs, turn right on to the sandy Lobos Creek Valley trail
- Follow the sandy trail until it meets Wedemeyer Street.
- Cross Wedemeyer and turn L to ascend dirt path (Anza Trail) adjacent to Wedemeyer.
- Before next crosswalk, take R on dirt path adjacent to road in front of building.
- Follow path about 30 yards and turn R onto Mountain Lake Trail.
- After descending staircase, turn L onto Mountain Lake Trail
- Walk about 50 yards to junction and bear R to descend trail under State Highway 1.
- Walk up trail to T stop at stone wall, and turn R onto wide dirt trail.
- Keep R as dirt trail merges with asphalt path (basketball court on your L).
- After passing playground and restrooms on your left, ascend hill, and then descend to Lake St.
- Cross Lake and enter Presidio Parkway Trail.
- Walk south along the wide dirt/gravel path of the Park Presidio Greenway, which begins at southwest corner of Lake and Funston.
- Continue along the Greenway by crossing California and Clement Streets at traffic lights
- Section 5 ends at Geary Blvd. and Park Presidio Blvd.
Section 4 - Walk South
Geary and Park Presidio Blvd. Across Golden Gate Park to Judah and 16th Avenue 2.3 miles / 230' elevation gain
- Section 4 South begins at southeast corner of Geary and Park Presidio Blvd.
- Proceed down Presidio Greenway, crossing stoplights at Anza, Balboa, and Cabrillo until you arrive at the end of the Greenway at Fulton.
- Cross Fulton and follow asphalt path through Rose Garden.
- Cross John F. Kennedy Jr. Drive and turn right on sidewalk.
- Walk uphill at the first asphalt path on your left.
- Walk past fence protecting small gardener’s shed on your left. About 50 yards farther, at the crest of the hill, turn right on gray-gravel path that veers off on right.
- Descend dirt path that will soon flatten out as it borders Pioneer East Meadow on right.
- Continue straight across T-junction with another dirt trail. When trail goes behind Log Cabin, pass another junction; bear right uphill on the main path.
- Turn left on asphalt path and then proceed across crosswalk across one-way Blue Heron Lake Drive East. Continue straight on sidewalk as it ascends west toward Blue Heron Lake Boat House.
- Opposite restroom, walk left up very short asphalt road going past Boat House on its east side.
- Turn left at Blue Heron Lake and follow asphalt trail along shore until you arrive at the gray cement Roman Bridge.
- Cross bridge and turn left.
- Walk along shore past the Chinese Pavilion and Huntington Falls to arrive at the stone and brick Rustic Bridge.
- Walk across bridge and turn right.
- Descend first asphalt path on left, going south.
- Cross Blue Heron Lake Drive and continue to descend.
- Just after you pass restroom on left, turn right sidewalk, walk about 50 yards to first intersection, cross Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, and follow asphalt path to exit Golden Gate Park through Breon Gate to Lincoln Way.
- Cross Lincoln and walk up 19th Avenue one block to Irving.
- Turn left at Irving and walk three blocks east to 16th Avenue.
- Turn right at 16th Avenue and walk one block south to Judah where section ends. (Outbound N Judah boards here, Inbound N Judah boards one block east at 15th Avenue.)
Section 3 - Walk South
Judah and 16th to Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station 2.1 miles - 650' elevation gain
- Section 3 South begins at intersection of Judah and 16th Avenue.
- Walk one block south up 16th Avenue and ascend stairway that begins at Kirkham.
- At top of staircase, turn right on 16th Avenue and walk two blocks and ascend Moraga Stairs which you will find on your left.
- Turn right at top of stairs and ascend stairs in front of you across street.
- At top of stairs, turn right, cross street and ascend stairs visible on left to enter Grand View Park.
- As you approach top of stairs bear right where stairs go in two directions.
- At top of stairs, walk a few steps to your left to reach summit and enjoy the view.
- Return to trail, turn left and walk around hill to east side and descend stairs.
- At bottom of stairs, turn right on first sidewalk you come to (14th Avenue).
- Continue along 14th Avenue past Noriega, Ortega, Mount Lane, and Ortega Way keeping Rocky Outcrop on your left.
- Ascend 14th Ave. at Pacheco. (Do not go up Pacheco Stairs on left.) Stay on eastern sidewalk of 14th Avenue.
- Cross Radio and continue along 14th Avenue on eastern sidewalk.
- At crest of 14th Avenue turn left on Quintara.
- Walk up Quintara two blocks and turn right on 12th Avenue.
- Turn left on 9th Avenue and remain on sidewalk on right past where 9th Avenue divides in two streets at dip of hill.
- Descend staircase just past 2242 9th Avenue.
- Turn left at bottom of stairs at first sidewalk (San Marcos).
- Walk about 40 yards past #150 San Marcos and descend staircase bearing right as you descend.
- At bottom of stairs turn left and walk a few yards to Castenada.
- Turn left on Castenada and walk uphill.
- Descend staircase adjacent to #249 Castenada.
- Turn left on Magellan at bottom of stairs.
- Follow Magellan one block to greenway opposite Sola Avenue
- Turn right on greenway path and descend a few stairs on left to arrive at Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station on Laguna Honda Blvd. where section ends.
Section 2 - Walk South
Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station to Glen Park BART Station 3.1 miles / 470' elevation gain
- Section 2 South starts in front of Forest Hill MUNI Metro Station.
- Cross Laguna Honda Blvd. at traffic signal in front of Muni station, turn right and ascend staircase under arch labeled "Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center".
- At first staircase landing, bear left onto broken concrete pathway, then turn left onto dirt trail, then immediately turn right onto Sherwood Road Trail.
- Continue on trail and follow it to an intersection near a parking lot. Bear right on Clarendon Knob Trail.
- Where trails merge, continue straight on Steep Ravine Trail
- When you reach flat open space behind Laguna Honda Hospital, follow the trail as it snakes up hill.
- At the top of hill, you will arrive at driveway between old and new hospital complex. Turn left “to Troop 88 Trail”, following edge of employee parking lot.
- Pick up trail to left of stop sign along curb. Follow trail uphill to Panorama Dr. (Note: Multiple trail options will all reach Panorama.)
- Turn right on Panorama and follow sidewalk to Twin Peaks Blvd.
- Turn right and follow sidewalk to junction at Portola. (Note: Here Crosstown Trail crosses Bay Area Ridge Trail.)
- Turn left and walk east on Portola sidewalk to first stoplight at Glenview.
- Cross Portola, and follow trail on right side of large Rec and Park sign.
- Follow the arrows that direct you to Recreation Center
- When you arrive at the Rec Center, follow the path around the right side of the building and then to a playground and tennis courts on your left. (Note: Restrooms located in Rec Center and adjacent plaza.)
- When the path reaches a city street (Elk), walk down to Chenery crosswalk.
- Cross to the other side and continue down Elk a few yards to Paradise.
- Left on Paradise and walk one block to Burnside.
- After crossing Burnside, turn right, walk a few yards up sidewalk and turn left on the dirt path of Glen Park Greenway beginning in between last two houses on street.
- Take Glen Park Greenway straight three blocks to trailhead sign at Brompton and Kern.
- Walk down Kern to Diamond, turn right and walk a few yards to Bosworth
- Section ends at Diamond and Bosworth, across from Glen Park BART Station.
Section 1 - Walk South
Glen Park BART to Sunrise Point/Candlestick Point State Recreation Area 6.1 miles / 650' elevation gain)
- Section 1 South starts at intersection of Bosworth and Diamond, at Glen Park BART.
- Head North (away from BART Station) on Diamond Street.
- Follow Diamond to Chenery, turn R, and ascend Chenery two blocks to Natick.
- Turn R and walk down Natick, cross Arlington to other side, and walk L to a sidewalk-Y opposite #546 Arlington.
- Bear R at Y to descend to dirt path that will lead you back to Arlington.
- Walk R on Arlington and proceed to a staircase adjacent to #455.
- Descend staircase, turn L onto Arlington Path, and ascend to Richland bridge,
- Cross bridge, and take an immediate, hidden R at end of bridge to join Bernal Cut Path.
- Follow path, bearing R at little library, and descend to exit Bernal Cut.
- Cross St. Marys St and walk along San Jose a short distance. Just before pedestrian overcrossing, descend staircase to Cuvier cul-de-sac.
- Follow Cuvier to Bosworth and turn L.
- Cross Mission. and continue on Murray..
- At dead-end of Murray, enter St. Mary’s Recreation Center. (Restrooms in rec center.)
- Turn right and walk down service road to Hwy. 280
- Cross Hwy. 280 on St. Mary’s Park Footbridge.
- At end of footbridge, turn left and take an immediate right at crosswalk to ascend Gladstone.
- Where Gladstone bears right, ascend Sunglow Lane staircase.
- At top of stairs, turn left on Silver, walk a few yards to stoplight and turn right to proceed south along Cambridge for five blocks.
- Turn right on Bacon and go one block.
- At Oxford, bear left to enter McLaren Park on paved path at Yosemite Marsh. Bear left, passing Restrooms, past a basketball court, and up short steep hill.
- Bear left and left again on the paved path.
- Exit trail at Cambridge; turn right and cross John F. Shelley Dr.
- Pick up trail on other side of Shelley Dr.
- At next fork, continue straight. You are now on Philosopher’s Way; follow arrows on granite markers.
- Follow trail as it curves left, past caretaker’s cottage and signs for Jerry Garcia Amphitheater on right (Restrooms at Amphitheater).
- Cross Shelley and continue on trail as it curves to right, following Philosopher’s Way arrows.
- After a stretch of boardwalk over wetland, trail heads uphill. (Note: Restrooms visible near tennis courts.)
- Cross Mansell.
- Turn left and cross Visitacion to pick up trail and bear right, heading southeast.
- Proceed to four short granite pillars with Philosopher's Way and view info.
- Turn right to take trail downhill, along several stairways, and exit McLaren Park at Ervine and Wilde.
- Continue east on Wilde.
- Turn right on Delta.
- Turn left on Tioga.
- On the south side of block, turn right into Visitacion Valley Greenway, Native Plant Garden.
- Turn left on Tucker.
- Turn right on Rutland; pass Greenway’s Agricultural Lot (gated) on right.
- Turn left on Campbell and cross to south side.
- Turn right into Greenway’s Children’s Playground.
- Turn left on Teddy and cross to south side.
- Turn right into Greenway’s Herb Garden.
- Cross Arleta, and continue into Greenway’s Community Gardens.
- Cross Raymond and continue into Greenway’s Hans Schiller Plaza.
- Exit Greenway at Leland.
- Turn left on Leland.
- Cross Bayshore at stoplight and turn left.
- Turn right on Blanken, opposite SFMTA T-Line Arleta stop. You are now in Little Hollywood neighborhood.
- After crossing Gillette, continue through tunnel on north sidewalk.
- Emerge from tunnel and bear left on Executive Park Blvd.
- At white gate, turn right to continue on Executive Park. Descend one block, and cross Harney to enter Candlestick Point State Recreation Area.
- Turn R at Crosstown Trail signpost.
- At next Crosstown Trail signpost located at beginning of colored concrete, turn L to follow dirt path going east with the bay on your right.
- At Y, bear R onto narrow path that proceeds toward white traffic barriers.
- Turn R at Crosstown Trail signpost to follow dirt path to R of white traffic barriers.
- Further along path, continue onto old roadway, keeping bay on your right.
- When you see a circular parking lot to the right, take short, dirt path from old roadway to parking lot.
- Proceed to other side of building and follow asphalt path (again with bay to your right) leading eastward to Sunrise Point Fishing Pier, the end of Section 1 South. (Porta-potty, and picnic table)