Combine the Trail with a ‘slow street’

Like many cities dealing with the coronavirus, San Francisco has eliminated or limited car traffic on designated streets to give pedestrians and cyclists adequate space for social distancing. Several of these so-called slow streets connect with sections of the Crosstown Trail. Here are just a few ways you can combine the Trail with car-free walks and rides through the city’s parks and neighborhoods.

Section 1 of the Crosstown Trail

  • John F. Shelley Dr. between Mansell St. and Cambridge St. Loop through quiet McLaren Park, through redwood groves and up to the Water Tower for panoramic city views. You can also explore the park’s network of interior trails.

Section 2

  • Chenery St. between Lippard Ave. and Elk St. From Chenery, continue up the Crosstown Trail through Glen Canyon or explore Glen Park’s hillside lanes and gardens.
  • Twin Peaks Blvd. between Panorama Dr. and Burnett Ave. Walk on the closed roadway or on the Creeks to Peaks Trail. While you’re up there, hike up the twin peaks: Noe and Eureka.

Section 3

  • Kirkham St. between 7th Ave. and the Great Highway. At 15th Ave., pick up the Crosstown Trail to climb the Hidden Garden Steps and continue to the 16th Ave. Tiled Steps and Grandview Park.

Section 4

  • John F. Kennedy Dr. between Kezar Dr. and Transverse Dr. Visit Golden Gate Park’s iconic sights, from the Conservatory of Flowers to the Music Concourse, or head east toward the new Oak Woodlands Trail.

Section 5

  • Lake St. between 2nd Ave. and 28th Ave. Lake meets the Crosstown Trail at Park Presidio Blvd. Explore Mountain Lake, one of SF’s three natural lakes (can you name the other two?) and the Presidio’s large network of trails.

Before you go, check the slow streets website for updates — more streets are added weekly — and download our own maps and route descriptions. Go solo or with household members, wear a face covering, and keep at least six feet apart from anyone not in your household.

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