Sept. 23: Explore the Trail by Transit

September is Transit Month! To celebrate, on Saturday, Sept. 23, volunteer Karen Rhodes leads a walk along 10+ miles of the Crosstown Trail, with some surprises along the way. Hop on, hop off as you like. Or walk the entire distance with us! Plentiful transit access throughout. Highlights include the Visitacion Valley Greenway, McLaren Park’s Philosopher’s Way, Glen Canyon, the Laguna Honda trail network, the tiled stairways of Golden Gate Heights, and Golden Gate Park.

Details: Terrain is mixed: pavement, dirt trails, several stairways, and steep streets. Pace is a steady 2.2 – 2.5 miles per hour; we’ll regroup as needed so that no one is left behind. Carry water, snacks, and anything else you need. We stop for lunch (pack your own) at the 7-mile mark. Restrooms at the start and en route.

Reserve your spot via Eventbrite: Crosstown Trail by Transit  


  1. Section 1, 3.3 miles. Meet at Mission Blue, 144 Leland Ave., in time for a prompt 9 a.m. departure. Transit options: T-Third, 9-San Bruno, 8-Bayshore, 56-Rutland, Caltrain.
  2. Section 2, 3.1 miles. Meet at Glen Park BART station around 10:30 a.m., when we expect to finish Section 1. We’ll hold for about 10 minutes. Transit options: BART, J-Church, 36-Teresita, 35-Eureka, 44-O’Shaughnessy, 52-Excelsior, 23-Monterey.
  3. Section 3, 2 miles. Meet at Forest Hill MUNI station around 12 noon, when we expect to finish Section 2. We’ll hold for about 10 minutes. Transit options: M-Ocean View, K-Ingleside, 44-O’Shaughnessy, 43-Masonic, 36-Teresita, 52-Excelsior. This next walk section includes a 30-minute lunch (bring your own) at J.P. Murphy Playground, near the 6-Haight Parnassus.
  4. Section 4, 2 miles. Meet at Judah & 16th Ave. around 2 p.m., when we expect to finish Section 3. We’ll hold for about 10 minutes. Transit options: N-Judah, 28-19th Ave.
  5. Finish: Geary Blvd. & Park Presidio Blvd., approximately 3 p.m. Transit options: 38-Geary, 28-19th Ave.

Beforehand: Visit our Plan Your Trip page for directions and maps, including a mapping app. While you’re on the trail, be sure to visit Mission Blue at 144 Leland and Bird & Beckett at 653 Chenery for your Crosstown Trail gear.

What is Transit Month? Transit Month 2023 is a celebration of the role of public transportation in our communities and the Bay Area’s economic, social, and cultural vibrancy. We are celebrating with events, prizes, awards, and more. Find your favorite activity at