October is SF Stairway Month! The celebration highlights the city’s 900+ public stairways that provide locals and visitors alike with ways to exercise, explore, and enjoy the outdoors. Crosstown Trails volunteer Alexandra Kenin has even put together a comprehensive map of them. You know many of the city’s stairways from your time on the Crosstown… Continue reading First official SF Stairway Month kicks off
Author: karen
Sept. 23: Explore the Trail by Transit
September is Transit Month! To celebrate, on Saturday, Sept. 23, volunteer Karen Rhodes leads a walk along 10+ miles of the Crosstown Trail, with some surprises along the way. Hop on, hop off as you like. Or walk the entire distance with us! Plentiful transit access throughout. Highlights include the Visitacion Valley Greenway, McLaren Park’s… Continue reading Sept. 23: Explore the Trail by Transit
Crosstober 2022: On and Off the Trail
The Crosstown Trail is just one way to explore San Francisco. For Crosstober 2022, we’re offering our customary walk of the full trail, from Candlestick Point to Lands End, along with several walks that ramble through neighborhoods near the Trail. On these ‘trail-adjacent’ walks, you’ll visit urban farms, stairway gardens, restored natural habitats, street art,… Continue reading Crosstober 2022: On and Off the Trail
Join us for Tour de Trail
In 2019, we launched the Crosstown Trail to introduce locals and visitors alike to 17 miles of open spaces, panoramic vistas, and hidden gardens across San Francisco. On June 4 and 5, 2022, you can explore the Trail — all of it, parts of it, on your own or with a group — as part… Continue reading Join us for Tour de Trail
Crosstober: One month, five walks
We’re spending a month of Sundays walking the Crosstown Trail, and we’d love to have you along. Our Crosstober walks cover each of the five sections, from Candlestick Point to Lands End, led by Crosstown Trail volunteers. Terrain is mixed: pavement, dirt trails, stairs, ascents, and descents. Bring water, snacks, and anything else you’ll need,… Continue reading Crosstober: One month, five walks
One trail, many journeys
Big thanks for joining us on our second-anniversary weekend, June 5 and 6, 2021! Just as the Bay Area began to open up for outdoor gatherings, dozens of walkers, cyclists, and runners met under sunny skies to explore the Crosstown Trail. Some of you joined one of our organized events; others took the DIY route.… Continue reading One trail, many journeys
A Crosstown Trail adventure, sunrise to sunset
On a beautiful October day, Santa Cruz resident Philips Patton hiked the Crosstown Trail from Candlestick Point to Land’s End. He wandered off-trail to visit the Philosopher’s Way in McLaren Park, the ridgelines above Glen Canyon, Strawberry Hill in Golden Gate Park, and China Beach. You can follow his adventure here.
Get to know Visitacion Valley
Pork bao. Bean-to-bar chocolate. Coffee worth walking across town for. For your next Crosstown Trail adventure, make sure you arrive at Leland Avenue in Visitacion Valley when you’re hungry, thirsty, and ready to linger. “Viz Valley,” at the southeast corner of San Francisco, is a diverse community with working-class roots. It once had the largest… Continue reading Get to know Visitacion Valley
Combine the Trail with a ‘slow street’
Like many cities dealing with the coronavirus, San Francisco has eliminated or limited car traffic on designated streets to give pedestrians and cyclists adequate space for social distancing. Several of these so-called slow streets connect with sections of the Crosstown Trail. Here are just a few ways you can combine the Trail with car-free walks… Continue reading Combine the Trail with a ‘slow street’
Celebrate the Trail’s first birthday
In June 2019, we launched the San Francisco Crosstown Trail, crossing our fingers that people would explore and enjoy it. And you have. The Trail is now a huge attraction for walkers, runners, and cyclists — both local and from afar. We’re celebrating the Trail’s first anniversary by inviting you to venture out on your… Continue reading Celebrate the Trail’s first birthday